Saturday, September 8, 2012


           The Santeria Habitat Series (Adult Dark Urban Fantasy)
Amazon Dark Fantasy Bestseller list
Amazon Fantasy Series Bestseller list
 Hidden Gems 2012 Book Award--from Bad Ass Reviews

 "If Sookie Stackhouse is a penny, then Lanore Vesta is a million dollars. This is the next best thing!"
                                                                      Pavarti Tyler, author of The SandStorm Chronicles


Press on the links below to learn more about the series. Each book, the summary, and its order are under the links.          

  • Fire Baptized Cartoon Web Series Link: Coming soon....

If you are an animator, illustrator, voice actor, etc and you want to be a part of the creation team for the free Fire Baptized cartoon web series, please leave me your information on the contact form or contact the main animatior Jacqulene Sheats HERE




Caged View (Book .5)


 This short story collection is set in the Santeria habitat. The first three short stories are in the point-of-view of MeShack, Zulu, and Lanore, from the novel Fire Baptized, and serve as a prequel to that story. The last short story is from the point-of-view of Cameo, who lives in the Santeria habitat, and is from the upcoming YA novel Chameleon.
                                    Goodreads Reviews

Fire Baptized   (Book 1) 

Release date: January 16, 2012

Since the 1970s humans have forced supernaturals to live in caged cities. Silver brands embedded in their foreheads identify them by species: a full moon for Vampires, a crescent moon for Shifters, a pair of wings for Fairies, and the list goes on, for each supernatural species has been tagged and categorized by humans.

Lanore Vesta is marked with a silver X, the brand of Mixbreeds, second-class citizens shunned by society. She stays to herself, revealing her ability to create fire only during emergencies. All she wants to do is graduate college and stop having to steal to survive. But when she stumbles upon a murder in progress, she catches the attention of a supernatural killer. Now all she wants is to stop finding dead bodies in her apartment.

Enlisting help from her Were-cheetah ex-boyfriend MeShack and a new mysterious friend named Zulu, she is steered through the habitat’s raunchy nightlife. But their presence sometimes proves to be more burden than help, as they fight for her attention.

While the corpses pile up, and the scent of blood fills the air, Lanore is left wondering: will she find the psycho or die trying?

BUY on Amazon   Barnes & Noble   Over 200 Reviews


The Burning Bush (Book 2) 
Release Date: September 19, 2012

After Dante Bottelli’s slaughter of Vamp-owned Mixbreeds, Lanore and Zulu execute a well-planned attack that hits Dante where it hurts the most—his pockets. But their attack triggers a chain of unfortunate events, and allows Detective Rivera to blackmail Lanore.

Rivera forces Lanore to investigate his case, the Burning Bush Murders. Someone's been tying girls to bushes and setting them on fire. Lanore must find the killer, or Rivera goes public with his information.

Meanwhile, Dante won't take his defeat without a fight. He counterattacks and the Santeria habitat, as well as Lanore’s and Zulu’s lives, are changed forever.

BUY Links Coming soon

Wildfire Gospel (Book 3)

Release Date: TBA
Cover: Coming Soon
Blurb: Coming Soon

To be notified when Book 3 is released please go to the CONTACT page and add yourself to my email list!

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